Eamon Brown

Managing Director


Managing Director of ESB Advisory, Eamon Brown 59,

is an insurance

and reinsurance executive with experience spanning over four decades.

He spent over four years with Lloyd's of London as Senior Manager of the Franchise Performance Directorate, dealing with syndicate performance issues at managing agents, oversight of the exposure management and analytical teams and serving on the ICA steering group, reviewing and approving syndicate capital. He was a member of the New Entrant assessment team that considered new syndicate applications.


He has also been Director of Underwriting at Jubilee Managing Agency and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group. AT Mitsui he led the re-structure of syndicate 3210's underwriting function, successfully developing a profitable portfolio of business. Other prior roles include CEO of GE Insurance Solutions, Casualty Underwriting Manager of ERC Frankona Re and Senior Liability Underwriter at the Mercantile & General Reinsurance Co.


Eamon is currently the Group Director of  Underwriting at Pioneer Underwriters.